Friday, 19 August 2011

Garry's Mod Easy Instant Machinima Lip-Sync

In Garry's Mod and most other source engine games, wav files in the game directory can be loaded with lip - syncing face flex information in Source SDK's Face Poser and moved anywhere to still obtain that lip - sync information usable on any model with a valve facial animation system. This includes Team Fortress 2, Garry's Mod, Half Life 2 Deathmatch and those other Source variants.
Once a Wav file of the right sample rate has been loaded up in Face Poser, lip synced with the Phoneme Editor tool and saved, it is ready to be implemented into Choreography and the following special client side operation native to Source:
With a Wav file that has been processed with the Face Poser Phoneme Editor anywhere in the Sound folder of the Source game you wish to use, the play -sound directory here- command can be used to play the sound through the client. When bearing a Valve facial animation player model, it will proceed to lip sync the sound through the player model. This is only a client side feature so far, it will not play to other members of a multiplayer server. It is however a feature that can be used while in a multiplayer server. A method of third person is by default required to use this feature to view the player model, however as seen in Garry's Mod, the sound is projected through the entity bearing the clients view (prediction), this would make it open for manipulation perhaps to use the play command through other entities and have them do the lip sync.
A wav file is loaded into sounds/syncing and played with the Play command as seen as it would be written in the console:
play syncing/cn_die1

The given sound will play through the entity bearing the player, thus lip syncing the attached model if there is one with the lip sync data in the wav file.
Here is a short video (the one (presumed to be) disliked by ExtremelyFatAss (or his tribe of 23 year olds(or someone japanese))) of the procedure in action.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Editing Textures and Sound while Ingame Source

Ingame in most Source engine games, features exist to refresh the game sounds and textures without reloading a level, When replacing sounds and textures using a combination of software including the most accesible GCFscape, VTFedit, Audacity and Wavosaur, modifications can be viewed immediately using the console commands snd_restart and mat_reloadallmaterials. Features for refreshing other content such as Models and Programming are perhaps covered by the commands flush and flush_unlocked (correct me here if I'm wrong). Using these things alongside the console commands soundlist to get a list of cached sounds and most useful surfaceprop to get the material and model files under the crosshair, (properties of surface and entity you are looking at) worlds and sound schemes can be dynamically re-built and re-painted.

Original Sign as seen in Half-Life: Source,
console command entered while looking at the sign:

Console came back with:
Hit surface "metal" (entity worldspawn, model "maps/c1a1.bsp" Opaque. ), texture "HALFLIFE/SIGN9"

Proceeded to change the material in the directory Materials/HALFLIFE/SIGN9
and then used command:

Final product with material made of first paragraph of this post:
The same process is done with sounds using the snd_restart and soundlist commands or SourceSDK or browsing GCFscape for sounds (and/or materials). Have fun with this, here's the product of some time I spend in Half-Life: Source with this feature:

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

One simple modelling technique in 3ds max, Basic Post

More can be found elsewhere on details like rigging and exporting.

Special Source Engine Spray Paint Methods for Advanced People

Using the Source SDK or the GCF scape, a special trick is achievable to place the most fitting logo files in a multiplayer or singleplayer Source game.
The console command in source to place a Logo of your choice on a single or multiple session (usually multiple, but you'd be surprised to know some single games have it too) is Impulse 201.
This is a totally legal command and requires no cheats or anything.
It basically produces the referenced file under the command cl_logofile "logo dir" as a decal on the environment, as long as the decal can be found and has the right properties. Spray logos deal with animated VTFs only, theres no vmt business so far as I know.
Valve was going to make a little Jingle thing where you could play a server side sound to everyone that you had chosen, but this dissapeared. The commands are still there but it's useless.
using the command cl_logofile with the directory of a vtf file of your choice, really high quality textures from any location can be used. For instance, in Team Fortress 2, by checking the cache files or opening a texture browser in hammer, the name of a texture can be recieved and entered as: materials/examplefolderinmaterials/followingfolders/material.vtf This technique includes the directories inside GCF files. I have applied this in a few places, for one I got the original Toolgun icon from the hud menu and used it as a spray, I have also tested a variety of Team Fortress 2 ingame textures, using tf2 textures theoretically will also increase texture visibility and download/recieve time for other clients because of the game content fact (prove me wrong)
cl_logofile materials\Effects\duel_blue.vtf
the command cl_logofile with the arguement materials folder (beginning to look in the GCF (game cache)) Inside the effects folder, duel_blue.vtf is the file we use. This gives us a nice blue crossed guns logo when we input impulse 201 or as its naturally bound to T in games like Team Fortress 2 and HL2 Deathmatch
This is the fun bit, as of 2011, every spray anyone pastes into an environment in Source is saved in a Temp
folder in the materials folder of every standard client of the server- I'm sure in with the VTFedit tool and the cl_logofile, you will find some inventive things to do with these awesome features.